Sunday, February 8, 2015

Turning two

2014 was the year I decided to take control of my life. I made a list of things I wanted to achieve for the year, focused my energy to accomplishing those, and successfully crossed out every item on the bucket list (plus a few more unlisted smaller achievements). It was the first year I really felt alive and powerful. And although it wasn't all fun and profit, it really felt like I took a big big leap in my personal development. There were a lot of new experiences that unfolded, limitations that were conquered, and lessons that were learned.

And so, this 2015, I intend to do the same but towards a different direction. I'll be exploring what I've always thought I wanted to do in order to prove (or disprove) this silly dream of travelling full-time and escaping corporate life. I know I'll make it through (somehow) but not without a couple of breakdowns and scratches. I'm curious to know how this attempt will turn out.

Cheers to my 2nd year of being in control!


PS: Here's the link to my 2014 bucket list.